Thursday, March 6, 2014

Inside the MIndsets

After watching the video on mindsets I would say I would want to change the way I think about certain things. I feel like sometimes because of the financial issues at home I wont be able to get far, I know I can if I try my hardest but at the end of the day when I'm in college here in NYC and my family moves away to Florida I'm going to be struggling. I'm going to be in school in the morning and working at night just to get by and then after I graduate what happens if I cant find any employment? The thoughts of my future can get pretty negative because without the right financial aid I wont be able to get into college and it feels as if my future is based on money. It makes me uneasy and I need to stop worrying so much.

1 comment:

  1. You have some very real concerns here. Completely understandable. Carol Dweck actually addresses concerns like this in chapter two. See her answer to the second question on p. 47.
