Wednesday, March 5, 2014

born with a certain kind of mindset?

Suggested by Melanie Thompson. Do you think you were born with a fixed or a growth mindset? Why?

I believe we are all born with a growth mindset. As babies there is no such thing as failure because we just don't know anything, when learning how to crawl we fall repeatedly but because our young minds are not fixed on "I keep failing, I cant not do this, whats the point?" we get on all fours and try again, we keep trying until we learn how to walk and then learn how to run. We push ourselves through these difficult challenges, our mindsets wants us to grow instead of staying down on the ground but since we are so young and our brains are so vulnerable at being influenced by its surroundings, some children learn to think that having a fixed mindset is normal, its natural or don't even realize that they have one because they're surrounded by so many others with the same mindset.

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