Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Quick Write: Think about one of the most important memories you have. Indulge yourself in it. Can you taste it? Smell it? Feel it? What if that memory were taken away from you? Would it still exist?

The most important memory to me would be the last time I had saw my grandmother. I can feel the warmness in her room, the smell of her nail polish, and the metal pressing against my thighs as I sat on the air vents. If this memory was taken away from me, I don't know how'd I feel if that memory was taken away from me because it is something only I can personally remember, with my feelings and thoughts of that moment included but it would still exist, just not from my point of view. My mother and sister were there that day so the only way I'd be able to hear about that moment would be through them. It wouldn't be the same. 

Final Reflection: You previously interpreted the quote “I think, therefore I am.” Interpret the quote once again as it relates to Clive. In other words, does Clive know he exists? Does he exist? What does all of this say about memory? Finally, what’s your brainy explanation for Clive only remembering love and music? Post this final reflection on your blog.

Clive does exist and he knows he exist because of his memory of love and music, you can't remember something that didn't happen so if you can then that means that it did which means you were there when it took place and in order for you the be there you have to physically exist as well. "I think therefore I am." In order to think you have to have think about something. Thinking about an events that took place requires you to have a memory, thinking about how you're feeling requires for something to happen in order to get you to feel anything, and in order to have a memory to make all of this happen you have to be there when that moment is taking place. Your brain records moments that you witness, it records what the eyes are watching, what the heart is feeling and what the brain is thinking. So if you're thinking, you do exist. Only memories, thoughts, and feelings can happen to those whom exist.

1 comment:

  1. A very powerful quick write. It doesn't seem like you listened to the podcast. Clive has "the worst case of amnesia ever documented."
