Tuesday, May 20, 2014

5/20/14 (Andy's lesson)

Aim: Have you known someone who was has been on their deathbed and in their final hours? How does it feel, What could be going through that persons mind? , If you have not been in a situation like this before, Try to imagine how it would possibly be. Give details.

Yes I have, when I was about 6 years old my grandfather was on his death bed in Jacobi Hospital after suffering from a massive stroke. I didn't feel too much because I was so young, I knew that he was dying, half his brain had shut down and because of this everyone around me was sad. My grandmother and my mother decided to "pull the plug" and let him rest. I don't know what he could have been possibly thinking.

Activity questions:

1. What is Baubys new life?
His new life is the start of a new season.

2. What do you think Kangaroo song refers to?
The song refers to Baubys life situation, the Kangaroo is escaping from the zoo, the place that kept it trapped all its life just like Bauby is escaping the diving bell and they are now starting a "new life"

3. Can you explain the what season of renewal means?
the start of a new season, a new start in his life. 

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