Thursday, May 29, 2014


Quick Write: Check out the flow chart on Amy Ortiz's blog. Identify simply the cue for one of your bad habits using the flow chart. Write about it. Quickly. (Make this a habit.)

The cue for my bad habit occurs when I'm in my "I don't care" estate. 

Step 3: Write about a habit you want to change and why. Be sure to identify the three parts of this habit (cue, reward, routine) when you describe it.

My habit: Being insensitive 
why: It's not nice
cue: when I don't feel like being bothered 
reward: solitude 
routine: announcing " I DO NOT CARE " and repeating until my point gets across. 

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Quick Write: Write about one bad habit you have and one good habit.

Bad habit: being insensitive
good habit: reading on the train

Step 2: After you have watched the video, write a reflection defining habit in your own words. Think about these critical questions:

  • What is good about habits?
  • What is bad about habits?
  • How can we use habits productively?
 A good habit is something you do regularly whether its conscious or unconsciously that has no side effects

A bad habit is something you do regularly whether its conscious or unconsciously that has a side effect

You can use your habits to benefit you.


Tuesday, May 20, 2014

5/20/14 (Andy's lesson)

Aim: Have you known someone who was has been on their deathbed and in their final hours? How does it feel, What could be going through that persons mind? , If you have not been in a situation like this before, Try to imagine how it would possibly be. Give details.

Yes I have, when I was about 6 years old my grandfather was on his death bed in Jacobi Hospital after suffering from a massive stroke. I didn't feel too much because I was so young, I knew that he was dying, half his brain had shut down and because of this everyone around me was sad. My grandmother and my mother decided to "pull the plug" and let him rest. I don't know what he could have been possibly thinking.

Activity questions:

1. What is Baubys new life?
His new life is the start of a new season.

2. What do you think Kangaroo song refers to?
The song refers to Baubys life situation, the Kangaroo is escaping from the zoo, the place that kept it trapped all its life just like Bauby is escaping the diving bell and they are now starting a "new life"

3. Can you explain the what season of renewal means?
the start of a new season, a new start in his life. 

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Lesson plan

Aim: How important is it for Bauby to have an "active" imagination? 

 Quick write: Your personal views on the importance of an "active" imagination. 

Today's lesson is to read pages 109-113 in The Diving Bell And The The Butterfly and then discuss whether or not Baubys imagination is essential to his physical estate. 


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Academic Art and Cultural Exhibitions Project

Ecuador, Spanish for "Equator" was first inhabited by the Incas in 1526, but the first settlements of Spanish in this area were in 1534 and 1538, by explorer Francisco Pizarro, a Spanish conquistador.

Ecuador is a country in western South America, bordering the Pacific Ocean at the Equator
 with a wide range of natural formations and climates, from the desert-like southern coast to the snowcapped peaks of the Andes mountain range to the plains of the Amazon Basin 

The flag retains the three main colors of the banner of Gran Columbia, the South American republic that broke up in the 1830s. The yellow color represents sunshine, grain and mineral wealth, the blue represents the sky, sea and rivers and the read represents the blood of patriots spilled in the struggle for freedom and justice.

Hilda Vasquez (4/29/1932 - 6/10/2012)
This is my grandmother Hilda Vasquez, she was born and raised in Ecuador during the 1930's. She raised in the capital Quito and her father was a man from the military. All my grandmothers' stories were about Ecuador and how the time period was back then. Back in the 1930's the women stayed home and become housewives, as well as the daughters. When it came to education my grandmother was taken out of school at a very young age to learn how to clean, cook and sew at home with her while her brothers went off to college and the military. During that time period everyones mindset was very "old school", men went to work and women stayed home. Over time education became more important and more enforced. When I was born my grandma became very on top of my education, she wanted me to do my best so I could get into a great college and have a successful career.

Monday, May 12, 2014


Quick write: Generate a high level question concerning your project for a peer editor.

What is something I would need to change ?

Friday, May 9, 2014


Quick Write: Pick a country other than the U.S. that connects with you either because of ancestry, birthplace, or any other reason. Explain why you connect to this country.

My grandmother and my mother were born in Ecuador and  they use to always tell me how beautiful it is over there and since I am half Ecuadorean it's only right that I do my project based on this country.